The Benefits of 100% Grass Fed Milk


Greetings to our many wonderful customers. We know you care about the food that you choose for you and your families. That's why you take the time to choose food raised and produced by local, organic farms like our own. Here we explain what's different about 100% grass fed milk and why you should choose this milk for you and your families.

Perhaps the term "grass fed" has tripped as many consumers as anything. If it is a grass fed farm, do they feed grains also? Of course, unless they tell you it is 100% grass fed with no grains fed anytime.

Most of the organic milk, and yes, even local "grass fed" organic milk comes from cows also eating a good amount of grains each day along with the grasses. Corn silage and grain increase the profit margin significantly but...

100% grass fed -- What's good about it?

CLA levels are reduced by feeding grains. Thus, when "grass fed" cows are also fed grains, the values of the CLA coming from the grasses are destroyed by the grain. Always remember, the best CLA levels are found in milk from 100% grass fed cows without any grains fed to the cows.

A more "nutrient dense food" is produced by cows giving the natural amount of milk they were created to produce rather than being pushed into higher production where there minerals and other food values are shared out to more gallons than the cow normally would have produced. Enjoy the richest - Choose 100% grass fed!

Greater levels of Omega-3, vitamin E, and more. Yes, go ahead and research it for yourself. We suggest checking into for more info on the values of 100% grass fed.

Soy free when 100% grass fed. Have you studied out Soy Alert from the Weston A Price Foundation? Perhaps the bigger question is this: Is my milk from soy fed cows? Insist on 100% grass fed for a safe, soy free product for your family.

The cows live longer. Yes, that is right. And they are much healthier! Studies clearly show there are many less health issues with cows that have 100% grass diets versus those as mass-milk- production machines. Outside in fresh air and walking on grassy meadows versus standing in barns on concrete to eat their ration of grains and to drink the volumes of water to produce the large amount of milk - you guess the stress level of the two choices.

Studies show grass fed cows produce milk with a lower bacteria count than those in traditional dairies. Common sense would tell us that cows eating good quality food in the sunshine and fresh air will have a cleaner, healthier food for us to enjoy.

Got GMO in your milk?

With the stir and studies about GMO, why would you purchase raw milk from a farm using some GMO feed for your milk production? Check this one out carefully. Even some health food stores offer such raw milk. "Does the farm produce or buy any GMO feed?"

Source: Swiss Villa

Green Ridge Acres is proud to offer a great selection of 100% grass-fed milk and other dairy products. Learn more about them here.



Jared Nolt